Terms and conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before purchasing.


This page contains the terms and conditions between the seller and the buyer. See also the ShippingWarranty and Returns policy pages where the steps are described in more detail.

General Terms and Conditions

The following is the contractual document governing the sale of products and services through the website www.zemanmodel.com, which is owned by Zeman model (hereinafter referred to as the provider, supplier or seller). Acceptance of this document implies that the user:

  1. Has read, understood and comprehends what is stated herein.
  2. That he/she is a person with sufficient capacity to purchase.
  3. That he/she assumes all of the obligations set forth herein.

These terms and conditions are valid for an indefinite period of time and apply to all contracts made through the Provider's website.
The Provider reserves the right to unilaterally change these terms and conditions without affecting goods or promotions that were purchased prior to the change.

Identity of the contracting parties

On the one hand, the supplier of the goods or services ordered by the user is the company Zeman model, with registered office at Ořechov 88, Ořechov, 59452 with company ID 07924925 and on the other hand,
The user, registered on the website through a username and password, on which he/she bears full responsibility for the use and custody, being responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to the provider. The User declares that he/she is over 15 years of age and has the capacity to enter into contracts.

Subject of the agreement

The purpose of this Agreement is to regulate the contractual relationship between the Provider and the User at the moment when the User accepts the relevant field during the online contract conclusion process.
The contractual relationship of sale involves the delivery, in exchange for a certain price published through the website, of a certain product or service offered on the website.

Pricing and validity of the offer

The prices quoted for each product include value added tax (VAT). Other taxes or charges are not included. Prices will be expressed in Euro (€). The costs quoted, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include the cost of additional ancillary services and attachments to the product or service purchased.
Prices applicable to each product are valid except for discontinued sales or typographical errors. These prices will be posted on the Website and automatically applied during the sales process. Client acknowledges that pricing for some products may change in real time. In any case, users will always be informed of this in advance.
Any payment made to the Provider will result in an invoice in the name of the registered User. This invoice will be sent to the email address provided by the user.
For any order information, the user will have access to the customer's email address at [email protected]. In all cases, please include the order number assigned to the user in the subject line

Exclusion of warranties and responsibility

The Seller makes no warranty and shall in no event be liable for damages or injury of any nature whatsoever that may arise as a result of:

  • Lack of availability
  • Inadequate maintenance
  • Defective functioning of the website and/or its services or content.
  • The existence of viruses, malicious programs or harmful content.
  • The receipt, acquisition, storage, distribution or transmission of content by users.
  • Illegal, negligent or fraudulent use of the Site, its services or content by users in violation of these General Terms and Conditions, good faith, generally accepted usage practices or public policy.
  • Lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to users on the site. Failure of third parties to comply with their obligations or commitments in connection with the services provided to users through the site.

User responsibility

The user or purchaser is generally obliged to comply with the obligations arising from these Terms and Conditions, as well as to comply with any special notices or instructions for use contained therein or on the pages of the Site, and to act at all times in accordance with the law, good morals and the requirements of good faith, refraining from using the elements of the Site in any way that could prevent, damage or impair the normal operation, goods and rights of Zeman model, its customers and suppliers, collaborators, users and, in general, all third parties.

Zeman model reserves the right to block and/or not to sell to users who by their actions or publicly damage the Zeman model name.

Responsibility for typos

The Seller disclaims all responsibility for the use of the information published here. All information and data offered on this site is checked before publication; however, it cannot be 100% guaranteed that they are typo-free, therefore users and visitors are advised to note the regular updates made and not to make any decisions based solely on the information offered by this site.